Wednesday, 4 April 2018

Potting up chillis and planting peas

Most of our chilli plants are a couple of inches high and ready to be potted on. Germination and growth has been very slow, presumably due to the lack of light and warmth (we have hardly had any sun during the day to warm them up on the windowsill). So far we have potted on:
4 Red Cherry Hot (6 seeds sown)
5 Cascabella (7 seeds sown)
2 Chilli Shake (6 seeds sown)
4 out of 5 of the Cherry Bomb chillis have just germinated so we will leave them for a bit longer before we pot them on. The seeds were all sown on 5th Feb:
The rocket and beetroot grown as microleaves are now ready to eat and we shall be having them with our tea:
They are a bit leggy, presumably due to lack of light. In retrospect I could have been more generous with sowing the seeds.
Yesterday we started off a batch of peas in the greenhouse:
These are Waverex petit pois. Once they are up and transplanted to the allotment we will sow a second batch.

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