Saturday, 21 April 2018

Plotting II / Gardening meets Farming

Following the start of some work last week on clearing the plot, went up in the week to till the other side to prepare for planting - was pretty straightforward:

 - the little tiller started first time despite not being used for near on a year, which was pretty good. Bits of this side needed some help though, had to break up a bit before the tiller would "bite" as the clay was pretty heavy:

Still, the end-game was good, got it all turned over before the sun set, always good 🙂

Was good timing, as later in the week went back with a bucket of strawberries which needed planting:

The other side was more of a "thing" - went up this morning to mow, as thousands of dandelion flowers had appeared:

Then the big one, tilling the other side of our "old" plot:

Got started with the little tiller, then by a happy accident a neighbour had rented a proper rotavator for the weekend and offered the use of it for a few minutes - really helped breaking down the hard clay:

Reasonable ending - got something on both sides of the old plot which we can consider planting into:

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