Sunday, 8 April 2018

Done "A", now on to "B" and "C"

Apple went in this morning, this afternoon sowing B's and C's - beans, courgettes and cucumbers to be precise. Beans are purple queen which went very well last year, and two newcomers - black turtle and orient wonder:

Last two of these are from the US - Lowe's or Walmart, can't remember which! The black beans are a bush variety, the orient wonder a pole bean. Planted 20 x purple queen, 16 x black turtle and 12 x orient wonder:

The individual beans look quite distinct too (PQ, OW, BT):

On the C's we've planted some regular cucumbers and courgettes (burpless tasty and dundoo, like last year) and some new ones from the funky veg kits which are yellow (crystal cucumber, atena courgette) -

We planted two of each, not much to look at (oh look! pots...)

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