Saturday, 21 April 2018

Actual planning

Since we have previously treated the allotment mostly as a field, it gets walked on and the soil becomes compacted. In a perfect world this would not happen, so now we have more space we've decided to put in some raised beds on the newly prepared soil. This required some actual .... planning. Intended to put in beds of 3 x 1.5m as this is narrow enough that you can reach the middle from one side without standing on it, but big enough to actually be useful. Came up with some designs, ordered some timber then changed our minds on what we're doing! Anyhow, started survey work for 3 beds on the newly prepared half of the old plot:

Starting from the "fence" along the middle of the plot (which has posts 4m apart) as a baseline, we actually used first year trig to get some right angles to make sure we have nice wide (and parallel) paths around the beds:

This is the laying out, with the intention to get the following over the next couple of days:

Using this lot which arrived yesterday - also intend to put a windbreak along the southern edge of the new plot:

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