Monday, 17 April 2017

Good for parts...

Like most folks we have a certain amount of junk in the garage - the phrase "good for parts" has been used on more than one occasion as a reason (excuse) for keeping stuff. On this occasion however this has ended well.

Though it is clearly spring here the weather has decided differently and frosts are forecast over the next week - helpful when we have just planted lettuce, so need to cover them in the raised bed. We had an old plastic greenhouse which used to house chilis a couple of years ago, which kind-of perished but I kept the frame. Also kept a roll of essentially "giant" selotape the removals guys left behind. From these were made an ersatz-greenhouse:

This has used the "legs" of the old greenhouse to make the thing wider, then covered with that tape:

Looking like it may actually protect from frost... finally tied it down:

So will hopefully not blow away... already working on Mark II version which I will get on with once the weather stays warm...

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