Sunday, 31 March 2019

Making more beds / flowers / cat

Went up to the plot yesterday to get some more raised beds in, as well as finishing off the half-bed for peas. For the half bed we put in some tree stakes at either end, and made a long wigwam (more strictly is probably an A-frame) for peas to grow up - this is anchored at either end to the tree stakes to make it more wind-resistant than previous efforts...

This should be strong enough to grow almost anything up! The apex is made from a pair of 8' canes spliced together with strong garden wire, and the uprights are 4' canes at 1' intervals. We also put in some more full-sized raised beds - one for a neighbour who's borrowing a bit of our plot for a few beds:

We also had some flowers come - tulips planted in one of the beds for cutting (since cut) -

So it's not all vegetables! Finally we have an allotment cat (or a pair of cats, but they are rarely seen at the same time - and they are strictly probably kittens anyway) - good fun but do get under your feet!

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