Sunday, 6 May 2018

Strawberry taste test (we hope)

A couple of weeks ago we planted some freebie strawberry plants of an unknown variety in raised mounds covered in black plastic:
Despite our best efforts at pinning the plastic down, the wind kept blowing it up causing the plants to disappear underneath! Eventually we gave up and dispensed with the plastic. The plants don't look particularly happy at the moment and one of them has died.
Today when we visited our local garden centre I spotted lots of big healthy strawberry plants and loads of different varieties. Each plant was £2 (so not cheap) but I thought it would be fun to buy a selection that we can taste test, and hopefully have some plantlets that we can grow on for next year. Since I want to make sure these expensive plants are well looked after I have planted them in the garden so I can keep a close eye on them! We treated ourselves to 5 varieties:
Red Gauntlet
Cambridge Favourite
The one in the foreground of the below pic is Elsanta:
I really hope we get a reasonable crop of strawberries! In other news we made our first harvest from this years sowings.... albeit a very small one:
These are the first of the rainbow radishes from the Psychedelic Salad kit.

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