Sunday, 21 April 2019

Bean Season

After removing the peas from the root trainers immediately sowed some beans - some Orient Wonder long beans - also known as asparagus beans - which needed soaking overnight and the last of our Purple Queen dwarf french beans - 10 x OW + 20 x PQ beans in one tray, then a second tray completely filled with Black Turtle beans (which dry well, we still have a few from last year) and finally a tray half filled with Borlotto drying beans and Blue Lake green beans:

The Orient Wonder require rather warmer weather than we have here - apparently can grow to ~ 8' tall in ~ 8 weeks which will be interesting to watch. Did not germinate at all last year but this time we actually read the packet which told us to soak the beans overnight before sowing...

Yes, the picture above does include ~ 90 cells of bean plants (hopefully) so will need to do some more ground preparation up at the allotment to make space for them all...

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