Sunday, 19 August 2018

Chilli update

The first chillis to ripen were the "Cherry Bomb" and the "Red Cherry Hot". This lot have been turned into a sweet chilli sauce:
Both chillis have a similar amount of heat (fairly mild, around 10,000 Scoville) and are slightly different in shape:
"Cherry Bomb" is the topmost chilli in the above pic.
The "Cascabella" sweet peppers were the next fruit to ripen.:
Due to the hot summer (and lack of space in the greenhouse) a selection of chilli and pepper plants have been kept outside against a sunny wall and are doing really well. The "Cascabella" fruits are generally a bit smaller than the peppers that you buy from the supermarket but tasty nonetheless:
The other sweet pepper variety that we have is this one:
This is "Corno Di Torro Rosso". We have 2 plants of this variety courtesy of my dad and both are quite tall and very top-heavy with fruit. They are just beginning to turn red.

The "Purple Rainbow" chilli plant given to us by a friend is living up to its name:
We were also given this "Lemon Drop" plant (aka aji lemon 15,000-30,000 Scoville according to Wikipedia) that has plenty of (unripe) fruit:
The two chilli shake plants are completely different from one another although we are not sure exactly what they are. Here's one:
Apparently it is possible to identify the type of chilli plant based on the flower. I think this could be a Tabasco/Piri/Birds Eye/Thai-type. Here's the other one:
Unfortunately there are no flowers left on this one.

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