Sunday, 25 March 2018

potting on seedlings

Last weekend we had another snow fall. This was the sage last Sunday:
Thankfully the snow melted on Monday and the last few days have felt  more spring-like.
Today I spent some time potting on some of our seedlings. These included tomatoes sown on 14th March. For the record we have:
"Black Cherry": 6 seeds sown. 5 germinated with 3 large and 2 small plants.
"Garden Pearl": 6 seeds sown. 5 germinated with 3 large and 2 small plants.
"Bejbino": 6 seeds sown. 3 large plants.
There is still no sign of the "Tigerella" tomatoes sown on 14th March (11 days ago).
Other plants potted on include:
Zinnias sown on 21st Feb. 5 out of 12 germinated.
Kale sown on 7th March. I kept the 5 largest plants out of the 8 or so that germinated (12 seeds were sown).
Cabbage "Advantage" sown 10th Feb. All 4 seeds germinated and all 4 plants kept.
Cauliflower "Autumn Giant" sown 10th Feb. All 4 seeds germinated and the 3 best plants kept.
All seedlings will be kept indoors overnight if the temperature dips close to or below freezing (forecast tonight) but will be transferred to the greenhouse during the day.

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