Sunday, 19 March 2017

Planting things beginning with P

So yesterday was very much a "you can plant anything you like so long as it begins with P" day - potatoes (see other post) parsnips (Gladiator F1) and peas (Oregon Sugar Pod Mangetout). For the peas we had some very convenient pea sticks:

Since we are growing mangetout it's handy that the sticks are quite long. Anyways, we dug an area over, marked out two rows:

and planted about 50 peas - so we could end up with a lot of mangetout in May...

At the same time we dug a trench on the other side of the onions and filled this with compost (thus making some soil available to fill potato bags - nothing like joined up thinking eh?)

We then filled the trench with compost (parsnips get real ugly in rocky soil) and direct sowed the seed - so nothing to see here really...

These are here for the long haul - with a tail wind we may be eating parsnips for Christmas.

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