Sunday, 21 August 2016

Heroes and zeroes - partly for future reference

Just come back from the plot and thought it would be worth reviewing what has worked well, and what has left something to be desired...

Heroes - #1 bees who do most of the work, here pollinating the raspberries:

This one was buzzing around when I was harvesting this lot:

We've been harvesting this many raspberries (variety: polka) every couple of days for the last couple of weeks, so excellent thing to grow up there. Also very successful are the squash (courgettes and pumpkins) which are working on taking over the world:

And we have actually harvested our first pumpkin (which is very early as it's still mid August):

Also here are the obligatory "we've visited the allotment so here are four courgettes" and the much less successful cabbages which have been ravaged by slugs - a zero there. On a more positive note the runner and french beans continue to be doing their stuff:

We're harvesting about this many every couple of days and have started giving them away as well as the courgettes to anyone who will take them!

In summary so far - 2016 winter allotment heroes:
  • Japanese onions
  • Regular onions
  • Courgettes
  • Raspberries
  • Pumpkins
  • Runner / french beans
  • Black currants
  • Leeks
In the middle there:
  • Shallots
  • Strawberries
  • Beetroot
  • Potatoes (think it was a duff year for spuds)
  • Cabbages (later on, were good earlier in the year)
Heroes not at the plot:
  • Tomatoes - particularly garden pearl
  • Chillies
  • Blueberries - as below, have been getting about this many every few days though we're now at the end of the season...

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