Sunday, 17 April 2016

What a beautiful day

The sun was shining at the allotment today:
Astonishing to think that it was snowing yesterday! We managed to get the cabbages in:
My daughter made me some white collars for them out of a builders bag:
We covered them in Enviromesh to keep out the cabbage whites:
We were also liberal with the slug pellets after some of our cabbages were badly damaged last year. Whilst Graeme was doing some more digging/ soil improving, I sowed a row of parsnips and a row of radishes/lollo rosso lettuces next to the row of beetroot and red onions. For the parsnips I dug a little trench, filled it up with sand, sowed the seeds and lightly covered with compost:
We left the canes along the ground to indicate where the rows are. The bit between the compost bin and the cabbages was dug over by Graeme and improved with lots of manure:
The manure heap is only a fraction of its former self now:
The blackcurrants are showing signs of life and have little flower buds:
The rhubarb is nearly ready for picking too.

At home the chillis are doing great:

The pot on the right is Cherry Bomb and the pot on the left is Ring of Fire. These have now been given individual pots and are kept indoors at the moment. However there is the promise of a greenhouse soon as our slabs are going down next weekend!

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