Sunday, 27 September 2015


Our 6 purple sprouting brocolli (PSB) plants that went out under cover on the 4th July have now reached the top of the netting. Time for a new construction:
We used four tree stakes, one at each corner, about 5 foot tall once hammered into the ground. Before covering up I did a bit of weeding and staked each plant. Here's a close-up:
The variety is called "Purple Sprouting Early" and hopefully will produce some lovely florets in early spring. Here's another pic of the PSB uncovered:
In other news we also picked our first (one of the biggest) leek:
This ended up in a chicken and mushroom pie... and very nice it was too! With the night temperatures dipping below 6 degrees I fear for the tomato plants. We harvested a batch of the nearly-ripe salad tomatoes to continue to ripen indoors:
Mostly Marmande plus a few Moneymakers. Finally I have to concede that I am now fed up of blueberries. I picked one last bowlful:
The netting is now removed so the birds can enjoy the rest!

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