Sunday, 2 August 2015

Spud report

Having now harvested some of each variety (and finished most) thought it would be worth summing up how they came out... Though have not yet eaten any sarpo mira, will have to wait on this one...

Pentland Javelin: traditional new potato, moderate yeild - floury, so good to boil as regular boiled potatoes, not much use for baking etc. Somewhat prone to slug damage.

Lady Cristl: good, waxy potato, cooked nicely and fairly resistant to slug damage. Not good yield mind.

Estima: often available in shops as a new / salad potato or later as a baking potato. Good yield and nice tasting spuds. Somewhat prone to slug damage.

Pink Fir Apple: fun potato but annoying to wash! Think I overcooked them this evening as they came out a bit hard. Modest crop based on a couple of plants, not too much damage but potatoes small.

Sarpo Mira: not tasted these yet but mixed yield - first plant had a decent crop of nice looking spuds, second only a couple. No damage (but they are famous for blight resistance) and more practical to wash than the PFA's above.

Favourite potato so far? Estima - though this may reflect cooking preferences.

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