Wednesday, 11 November 2015

Small but perfectly formed...

Remember these tiny lettuces to the right of the below pic planted out on 23rd September?
Due to the mild weather they have actually grown:
Although a bit small, they still provide plenty of salad for sandwiches:
We also have more coming along here of a similar size:
We are harvesting leeks at a steady rate:
The plants are covered in leek rust and I keep removing the worst affected (outer) leaves. Thankfully it does'nt appear to be affecting the quality of the crop too much:
The Japanese onion sets planted out at the end of September are showing signs of life:
And the PSB cage has collapsed:
Arrgghh! The cage was ok last week but we have had some gales in the mean-time. One of the stakes has broken in two where there is a large knot in the wood. Many of the canes that I used to support the plants have fallen over due to the weight of the plants. As a temporary measure I have tried to push the stakes further in and put the netting back over the plants. Hopefully at the weekend we will put in some stronger supports. Despite the fact that many of the plants had fallen over, damage to the plants appears to be minimal.